The Power of the Cross
The cross of Christ is the most powerful event in history! Today all of us, we can still live the fruits of that sacrifice: the fruits of life and eternal life! Jesus’s sacrifice is perfect and he paid the price for all our sins. Justice has been done; the devil has been condemned. We can be free.
Because Jesus Himself was not guilty of any sin, and he became sin.
In Isaiah 53:9 the prophet says:
“He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth… We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way, and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all”.
This is the true meaning and purpose of the cross: Jesus endured in our place all the evil consequences that were due by divine justice, and in exchange, God offers us all the good that was due to the sinless obedience of Jesus. The evil due to came upon Jesus, and the good due to Jesus has been offered to us.
All comes only through the grace of God, and we can receive by Faith. None of us has done anything to deserve such a good gift, and none of us can ever do anything to earn it.
Jesus received our punishment due to our transgression and iniquities so we could be forgiven and be restored with God. And for the physical realm, Jesus bore our sicknesses and pains and through His wounds, we can be healed.
At the Cross, there is an exchange!
From death to life, from sickness to healing, from poverty to prosperity, from brokenness to wholeness, but is important that we need to believe and receive all this.
So, at the cross, at the feet of Jesus, we are invited to give all our sins, brokenness and distorted perceptions: our brokenness, our relationship, our gender confusion, our identity confusion, our self-hatred and we can receive back life, life in abundance.
We can exchange shame for , anxiety for security, anger and hurt for justice, bitterness for thankfulness, abandonment and rejection for belonging…
The cross is sufficient for everything, for the worst sin, for the deepest wound, for the deepest pain in our life, because He can identify with all our pains and no one took Jesus’s life from Him, because He laid down His life, by His own will.
This is, the good news of the gospel: transformation and restoration!
Because the goal of God is our joy and freedom. Freedom to live in our true identity as Son of God! Freedom to manifest His glory.Paul in Romans said that also the creation is waiting for the manifestation of the children of God. And this manifestation needs to be revealed through our life and can come only through an exchange at the cross of Jesus Christ.
Through the Cross, we have been set free from sin and we have become a slave to righteousness.
And because through the cross of Christ, we are dead, we can live a new life of holiness and righteousness and reflect the new creation, living from heaven prospective.