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From Orphan to Sonship

Living as Orphan is mean that we feel "we are alone", that "we do not belong" and we have difficult to trust God because we have fear to open our heart to real love.

Usually, we become orphan because we shut part of our heart to love as a result of wounds and pain. 

And because of fear of intimacy, we block love, so we don’t allow deep intimacy with people and with God as well.

As you know in the reality, we need real love, but we have difficult to receive it; so, we start to look for counterfeit affection that never satisfied, and we become full of anger, bitterness, frustration and loneliness.

This is not the plan that our God has for us!! We need to allow God, to love us and to heal the deep wounds in our heart.

Here 4 keys to freedom:

1) Forgive your parents for misrepresenting the Father’s Love to you.
2) Repent and ask forgiveness for any way that you hurt and judge your parents.
3) Believe and submit your heart and life to God, through the word of God and ask God to fill you with his love.
4) Renounce all the lies that you believed about yourself and about God, and this is a daily job, that you need to do every day, and learn to trust God and believe His words.

Be a son mean, that we rest and we are secure in his presence, we believe and feel that we belong to him and there is no shame and condemnation in God.

Christian Morano
Christian Morano

Italian, Christian, and blogger passionate about seeing the Kingdom of God manifested here on Earth.

Articles: 15

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