Imagination: How can shape our reality

As a human being, we are like a spiritual gate, and one of the doors of our gates is imagination.
Imagination is a good gift from God and is a powerful tool to generate and create or to generate death. Imagination is where spiritual things and the material world come together and creates the reality in our world, and in our life.
In fact, imagination has the power in our will and emotions, to make a shift in our lives and in our thinking. Many businessmen are teaching about visualization and actually, is a Bible principle, because everything, before becoming material or being created, is spiritual and is just a thought.
I am not saying that all types of visualizations are good and for the good purpose, but I am talking only about the principle.
Think about Steve Jobs, before he created a Mac or any other devices, he dreamt about it and imagine them.
I believe he imagined his success and the design of the Mac, and he positioned himself to have success.
I believe also God imaged mankind before the creation of the world and imaged you before the creation.
The Bible says:
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
Ephesians 1:4
“He chose us in him before the foundation of the world”
The god thought and dreamt about you because you are His special and valued Son. You are part of Him, as you’re His body.As a spiritual being, we can receive information through our senses and also through our imagination, from the Holy Spirit and the invisible world.
God and the devil can speak to us and is why, is so important to protect our senses and our imagination, so we don’t give any foothold to the devil that can bring confusion, lies and sin.
Imagination is a bridge to our Faith in God, everything that we image, we can ask and we can receive it, and in the measure, to our faith, we will receive it. This is a spiritual law, but of course, we can only receive only blessing and the good things that help us to be free and give glory to God.
The problem that we are bombarded every day in our imagination, through internet, social media, advertising and from other people that triggers our desired and will, in the wrong way. All this because we’re suffering a lack of identity, in our true value and we lack self-confidence.
What we receive from our imagination gate, can “shape” our thinking, our identity and pervert completely our mind, heart, relationship and identity. And stop or slow down our spiritual growth.
Is why Paul in Colossians 3:2 says “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly thing. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God”. As Christian Born Again we are dead to this world and alive as a new creation in Christ, and nothing should shape our thinking if doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit.
Many years ago, I was in a meeting and the pastor prayed Jesus to cleanse my imagination, applying the blood of Jesus and I was impressed because I started to see in the spirit what my imagination was full of.
And all these things were like a block to hear the voice of God and perceive more clearly His presence and His glory in my life.
To be honest, I was thinking that some porno pictures were coming up but instead was religion stuff, like religious pictures, statues and other things.
All of this because a few years before I was a monk and a religious person, and these things were still shaping my God’s perception in the wrong way. Of course, this is my testimony…
What is in your imagination, that shape your thinking, your identity or perception about people, about God or yourself?
For example, can be porno, that shaped your thinking about other people, about sex, about your identity, and about relationships.
But this shaping is a deception and deprivation of your real purpose and your real identity as a man.
Also can be a memory in your imagination that brings sexual fantasy and consequently can bring sin with masturbation or acting out. And these pictures are like a “refuge” fantasy to avoid to deal with difficult situations or a real relationship.
This is a small exercise to receive freedom:
1) Ask God a revelation, if there is anything in your imagination that blocks you to grow, to see God or that shape how you see and perceive things.
2) Repent to have given space to these things and release them to the feet of Jesus
3) Ask Jesus to cleanse you.
4) Receive in exchange what He wants to give you and receive His Love and acceptance.
5) Be FREE and live FREE.
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Many people have “roadblocks” that keep them from having a loving relationship with their Heavenly Father. You are right that wrong thinking (imagining the wrong story about yourself or about God or both) can block having a relationship with God. We cannot come to God until we remove the things that are blocking the way to him.