From Rejection to Acceptance

Have you ever felt rejected?
Oh Yes! Personally, in my life, I felt a lot of rejection.
Rejection from my mother and father.
Rejection from my classmates.
Rejection from a teacher.
Rejection from…
The list can go on…
But the reality that I did not know that I was suffering from rejection and from self-rejection too.
Only when I became a born-again Christian, the Lord started to show me the root of my pain, and why I was feeling excluded, worthless and unwanted.
In fact, the Lord brought me to the point to face the pain and to choose to deal with it, to forgive everybody and to forgive myself. I started to feel rejection when I was a child, but in reality, it started in the garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve’s sin cost to them and us everything! But through Jesus, we got back everything! 🙂
Through the sin, we lost the security to know that we are completely accepted and that we belong to Him. And as a result, we started to feel disconnected from yourself and from God. But the truth is that we are fully accepted in Him, as we have been created by Him and for Him.
Think about the meaning of the word Rejection…
… Inadequate, unwanted, excluded, worthless…
These words are not for us, but actually, are describing the devil. The devil is unwanted, excluded, worthless, inadequate and…
As humans beings and as children of God, we are accepted, wanted, connected, included and valued.
Have you ever felt inadequate, unwanted, excluded and worthless?
If yes, remember you are not these emotions and your value belief system belongs to the new creation in Christ Jesus. Because you’re a new creation in Christ Jesus.
Jesus paid an expensive price to reconcile with ourself and with God.
In fact, the cross speaks love and is the power of God that bring life and restore everything.
Of course, nobody has grown up in a perfect family and all of us we are on a journey to receive the freedom, the blessing and the deliverance that Jesus paid for us, and everybody is different, as we have a different story and a different background. Also, some people have been hurt deeply, and others less, but always rejection damages our human spirit, our mind and our body.
Rejection, broke the relationships in ourself, with others and damage our core identity, leading us to be split into different parts and different personalities.
Unfortunately, the pain of rejection often leads people to sinful behaviours and to build “defence mechanisms” to cover up the pain and make everything worst.
Here are some ungodly ways of dealing with the pain of rejection: repression, anger, control, perfectionism, passivity, people pleasing …and the list is long…
Also, Jesus here on earth faced a lot of rejection and betrayal, but He was rooted and stable in his true identity as Son of God and also he was stable in his Father’s love, so he did not get wounded and offended.
Now, for us is important that we deal with the own heart issue, whatever the problem is! Can be fear, anger, rejection… or whatever… and nothing is impossible to God, so do not be discouraged and put your trust in Him.
If you are born again, you are like Jesus, because you’re a son, and Father God loves you! So, choose to believe the truth about YOU!
Also, the good news is that the power of his love can restore everything and in particular can restore our identity as sons of God, and can heal all types of wounds, all the parts that seem lost, because Jesus paid the price. He purchased your healing on the cross and right now the healing and the restoration belongs to you, just receive it by faith.
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