Love Love Love
We know that Jesus spoke about love because He is Love and He knows what does mean love. In his life, He preaches real love and He taught to love God and to love each other with his love.Paul in his…

Why Homosexuality is a sin?
The Bible teaches us that God is love and He created men and women in his image. He created mankind with purpose and He said: Be fruitful and rule over everything. All of us know that sin brought separation between…

From Orphan to Sonship
Living as Orphan is mean that we feel “we are alone”, that “we do not belong” and we have difficult to trust God because we have fear to open our heart to real love.Usually, we become orphan because we shut part…

Sexuality from a spiritual perspective
Sex I believe is not only a reality within the body but also has a much deeper connection to both our emotions and our spirits in the spiritual realm.This is why the Bible teaches us, that sex should only occur…