People are born Gay? What causes homosexuality?

I see a lot of confusion about this topic, also among Christians or people that they don’t believe in Jesus. According to the Bible, we are made in the image of God and we are created, man and female.
In fact, Gender is not Fluid!
If we born man we have XY chromosomes and if we born female we have XX chromosomes. Also, you notice, this is not spiritual, but are genes, so is 100% physical and cannot be changed. Instead, our identity is formed by our beliefs, feeling and emotions.
In fact, in my personal experience is that nobody is born gay and also according to science, there is no gay gene and the sexuality is fluid.
Something that perhaps many people don't connect the dots, is that homosexuality is not connected directly with the sexuality, but in the first place is connected with emotions and affection, which certainly flows into sexuality.
Everybody is different, but I think there are similar factors for a person to become gay. Usually, the person doesn’t know or doesn’t remember the first time when he started to feel the same-sex attraction and is why the majority of people think that “are born gay” or they did not choose it. But the truth is that our true identity is rooted in our spirit and not in our soul and as a human being we are not what we feel.
How is our identity shaped or developed?
Our sense of being and identity to fully develop need an atmosphere of real love and affirmation:
- Our father is like our fingerprint, that He empowers us with strength, with growth and with connection with the world, and also with the own masculinity.
- Our mother is important too, she helps us to build our sense well-being with his love.
Emotional and spiritual reasons for the same-sex attraction and feeling.
I know if you are not born again can be difficult to understand..., but first we need to talk about the spiritual reasons!
Everything is first spiritual and only after is manifested in the natural world. So, the natural world is the expression of the spiritual world.
The Bible teaches that sin has a consequence and give the hook or the legal right to the enemy to steal, kill and destroy. Through our parents, we receive the colour of our eyes, the colour of our skin, and other characteristics, but also we receive a “spiritual baggage”, like spiritual attitudes, demons, curses, trauma, and even memories!
And if sin, is not dealt with the Blood of Jesus, become an iniquity that gives the legal right to the enemies to steal, kill and destroy a person’s life, and all this “rubbish” can be passed through generation to generation until someone repents and give the life to Jesus, and become a New Creation!
Also personally, I believe that not all spiritual generation baggage will be “active” immediately at birth, but need to be activated by something, like a personal sin, a sin against us or a trauma, but also can be only an attitude of the heart, that if become more “stubborn” can activate the generation iniquity, that is already there but is dormant.
For example, from the generation iniquity can come an attitude of idolatry, where the person has an attitude to be attracted by the occult or to worship something like demons, money, people, power or other idols. So, the person born with the tendency to be bent toward something, that can lead to sin.
For example if there is a rejection demon coming through the bloodline, the person will have an attitude, to be more sensitivity to rejection that will open a door to be wounded, to feel rejection or starting to reject himself or just a part of his personality.
As Christian, we know that idolatry and any form of witchcraft, sin or rebellion bring separation with God and give the legal right to the enemy to destroy our life. The spiritual realm works like a legal system and only repentance, the blood of Jesus and the power of his cross can remove this legal right. To be clear the enemy is already defeated by the power of the Cross of Jesus, but he gets the authority when we gave him through sin.
Without spiritualize too much, another example, can be the attitude to be passive. If a father has been not fathered well by his father, because his father was emotionally passive and emotional disconnected, 95% it will be passed through the generation line, and that father will be passive and disconnected to his children. This is only an example and of course, as is not always like this!
So, when a child born has already a “spiritual baggage”, negative or positive and this can be a setup or a foundation to become broken in his emotion, identity or to be influenced by.
Also, the medicine knows all this for physical problems, is why when you join to NHS (in the UK) or any healthcare system they ask you about any recurring sickness in your family.
So, in the spiritual realm homosexuality can be rooter in idolatry, occult, false religion and generational witchcraft where a person born bent to idolatry and also with all the consequences of these sins.
Now we‘re going to see the emotional side:
For the emotional side, homosexuality is rooted in an unmet need love with a lack of affirmation that opens the door to a self-rejection (lack of acceptance) that will shut part of the heart to love, to maturity, to awareness of the own identity and also to the growth in the fullness of the own identity.
Also, an abusive and “control” parent (or another person) from the opposite sex can be easily a set up for the same-sex attraction in a person. So all this mixture, spiritual and emotional can be the reasons for the same-sex attraction. Usually where there is lack of love (agape love), lack of affirmation and lack of hugs, the child will be left with a depravation of love (that most of the time is not conscious) and when will become an adult will try to fulfil his desire of real love through eros/lust.
In addiction bullying, sexual abuse, trauma, pornography, influence of the culture and curiosity can open the door to homosexuality and to a spirit of deception and lust.
In conclusion, the consequences of a broken heart is idolatry: because the person will try to receive love, affirmation and to feel whole or complete from another human being, or from other things like sex, power or other addictions and NOT from God. But the reality is that only God can fulfil our heart, with real love, affirmation, and acceptance. And only in him, we can find our true identity.
Therefore, personally, I believe that nobody is born gay and the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit can reveal the true identity to a person, reveal that Jesus is the only real source of love and freedom and also He can reveal the root of the same-sex attraction in a person.
We are born to worship Jesus and not to worship the creation or a human being.