Love Love Love
We know that Jesus spoke about love because He is Love and He knows what does mean love. In his life, He preaches real love and He taught to love God and to love each other with his love.Paul in his…
People are born Gay? What causes homosexuality?
I see a lot of confusion about this topic, also among Christians or people that they don’t believe in Jesus. According to the Bible, we are made in the image of God and we are created, man and female.In fact, Gender…
Imagination: How can shape our reality
As a human being, we are like a spiritual gate, and one of the doors of our gates is imagination.Imagination is a good gift from God and is a powerful tool to generate and create or to generate death. Imagination…
Sexuality from a spiritual perspective
Sex I believe is not only a reality within the body but also has a much deeper connection to both our emotions and our spirits in the spiritual realm.This is why the Bible teaches us, that sex should only occur…