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You Are Not Alone!

This space is for YOU, to be OPEN, vulnerable, without fear and shame.

I know that isolation, addiction can damage our life, also the feeling of insecurity, brokenness and loneliness can paralyze us, so I offer a confidential, safe, respectful and supportive space to help you explore and address your concerns.
I will listen, help you and pray with you and for you, for what your problem(s) or for what Father God wants to minister in your heart.
I will help you to hear the voice of God and guide you, to surrender everything to the feet of Jesus and receive the healing that you need.

Before we meet online, I will enquire the Lord for your life, so please with total honesty answer the questions in the form and write the main reason for the consulting.
The support, the listening and the prayer are free, but if you like you will be able to give an offering too. After you complete the form, you will be redirected to a page to book a time slot (60 minutes).

Also, we can start a journey together and meet online every week or two/one time a month, to help you overcome any addictions, achieve any goals or just be with you, listening, praying and be connected.

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